Adding Profiles

Use the profiles section of Research AMP to define the people who are in your network. You may choose to define the standards for inclusion any way you wish. Some Research AMPs try to include as many people from a community of scholars as possible (with their permission), while others set guidelines for who they include in their Profiles section, such as limiting Profiles to those who have contributed an article or research review, serve on the advisory committee, and/or are fellows or otherwise affiliated with the project. As with many aspects of running a Research AMP, the content of the site is often governed by the policies that you, as editor, put into practice.

Profiles need to be set up for anyone who writes an article or research review so that the content can be assigned to them. However, you may choose to create profiles for anyone in your field you wish to feature on the site.

The standard template for profiles includes name, title and institution, photograph, biography, and contact information such as email addresses and Twitter handles. This information will only appear on the finished page if information is added in these sections.

Collecting profile information

We recommend contacting people you would like to include in the scholar profiles section individually to ask if they would like to join the site. One method that works well for collecting this information is to send an email introducing the project to prospective scholars, and to ask them to fill out a Google Form with the information you would like to collect; see the sample below.

Profile photo files should be no larger than 2M.

Adding a profile

In the Dashboard, choose Profiles > Add New.

Fill in the name, title, a brief biographical statement, as well as any contact information, like email address, Twitter handle, or ORCID ID. Any information you do not fill in will not appear on the page when published. The exception to this rule is the photo; a placeholder image will appear in lieu of a photo if you do not add one.

Fill out the following information in the right sidebar:

  1. Associate the profile with a Research Topic and 4-5 research tags

  2. Fill in the "name for alphabetical sorting" box with the profile owner's name in the LAST, FIRST format

  3. Fill in the profile owner's role on the site. THis could be "contributor" or "staff" or another designation.

  4. You may wish to feature this profile; if so click the "featured" box.

The profile may not display correctly if this information is not entered!

Linking profiles to Research AMP content

If the author of a citation has a scholar profile, be sure to make the association on the right-hand column of the dashboard edit page. This information is used to populate the ‘recent citations’ section of scholar profiles. It also powers the association of scholars with research topics: if a given citation is linked to one topic, then its associated scholars will appear when filtering by that topic in the search function.

Likewise, any articles or research reviews associated with the scholar will be added to their scholar profile.

Last updated